1811: First to import and package tea in America: Marin Gillet and Company.
1814: First printing of the Star Spangled Banner in the United States by Samuel Sands.
1815: First existing makers of silverware in this country: Samuel Kirk.
1815: First formal monument to George Washington in the U.S.: Mt. Vernon Place completed July 4, 1829.
1816: First U.S. manufacturer of gas: Rembrandt Peale.
1817: First gaslight company in country chartered.
1819: First agricultural publication in the U.S.: The American Farmer, John Skinner, editor.
1819: First Odd Fellows Lodge in America at Fell's Point by Thomas Wildery, father of Odd Fellowship in the U.S.
1821: First U.S. Catholic Cathedral: the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption.
1827: First public carrier railway in the U.S.: Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
1828: First American umbrella factory in the U.S.
1829: First U.S. Negro religious order in America: Oblate Sisters of Providence, 5 St. Mary's Court.
1829: First ribbon from American silk in this country: National Silk Society.
1830: First railroad depot in the U.S.: Pratt and Poppleton Streets.
1831: First National Nominating Conventions for President in the U.S.
1838: First iron steamboat built in this country.
1839: First dental college in the world: Baltimore College of Dental Surgery.
Address: Baltimore Convention and Visitors Association, 100 Light Street, 12th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202;
410-659-7071; 877-Baltimore. Web: http://www.baltimore.org.